Thursday, January 26, 2023

Affinity designer android assets free download.Exporting assets for Android using Affinity Designer

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Affinity designer android assets free download


Affinity Designer has a rich feature, Export Persona. I was wondering if it could ease the process of exporting assets for an Android project. This article assumes that you are familiar with navigating around in Affinity Designer. I am going to use an example mockup of a fitness app called Watch Your Steps. This app counts your daily footsteps, the time you were active, the calories you burned, and the distance you walked. To use these icons in an Android app, we need to export them.

Since this application is going to run on Android devices with various screen sizes, we need to export them for various resolutions. To export icons, we need to slice them. Affinity creates a slice for our artwork by default. Now we need to slice the icons from our artwork. We will create slices from layers directly. We could use Slice Tool to create slices manually as well. Step 3: Go to the Layers panel. Select the layers you want to export and click Create Slice.

These are the layers which were created in Draw Persona. We are going to export the layers highlighted above. You should now be able to see blue borders around the sliced layers in your artwork indicating the slices created.

Step 5: Expand a slice by clicking an arrow in the left side and set the file path. It shows the details of a slice. The highlighted area shows the file path of the expanded slice. Since we gave our layers proper names, we can reuse them for file paths. By default, the size of the png will be 1x same as of the icon.

We need this size for drawable-mdpi in an Android project. Click on the file path, and perform the following steps to set it. Step 6: Follow the previous step for drawable-hdpi — 1. Affinity provides a feature to save this as a preset. Step 7: Click on the menu icon from the top-right side of the Slices panel and select Create export setup preset.

Then name it Android or whatever you prefer. Now we are ready to select the rest of the slices and apply the Android preset on them. Step 8: Click Export Slices placed in the bottom-right. The icons will be exported within their respective folders.

After exporting them, the folder structure will look like this:. Now whenever you save your changes, exported assets will be updated continuously. Contact me if you have any ideas worth sharing.

I would love to hear from you on twitter dixita If this article was helpful, tweet it. Learn to code for free. Get started. Forum Donate. Preface This article assumes that you are familiar with navigating around in Affinity Designer. Export Persona Step 2: Go to the Slices panel in the right pane. Slices panel To export icons, we need to slice them. Layers to be sliced These are the layers which were created in Draw Persona.

Sliced layers Step 5: Expand a slice by clicking an arrow in the left side and set the file path. Create Android preset Now we are ready to select the rest of the slices and apply the Android preset on them.

Apply Android preset to rest of the slices As you can see, once you create a preset it is extremely easy to apply on others. After exporting them, the folder structure will look like this: Exported icons just like we wanted? What if we change the icons later? Do we have to export them again?? Bonus Just check the highlighted option, Continuous.

Check continuous Now whenever you save your changes, exported assets will be updated continuously. Application Mockup You can download the mockup file used in this tutorial here?.


Affinity designer android assets free download. Exporting assets for Android using Affinity Designer


We believe every designer should have these resources in their Affinity arsenal. Disagree with our choices? Send us a note using our Contact Us form. A beautiful pack of simple raster brushes you can use to add a fog or smoke texture to your art, included in the pack are 5 raster based smoke brushes 5 raster based smoke brushes.

A note on licensing You are free to create personal or commercially with these, but not resell them, repackage them In short do not be a scumbag This is a swatch collection of all of the gradients used to make the Dream Styles 1 and Dream Metals Styles collections, making it easy to grab your favorite gradient to use rather than applying a style to get it.

Originally created for web development, these styles were used to showcase what can be accomplished in Affinity Designer, and later Affinity Photo.

Graphics, this set has proven to be very popular and an essential tool in your Affinity arsenal. The gradients used are fully editable. Submit a resource. Submit Search. Fog and Smoke brushes -Starter pack. Fog and Smoke brushes -Starter pack A beautiful pack of simple raster brushes you can use to add a fog or smoke texture to your art, included in the pack are 5 raster based smoke brushes 5 raster based smoke brushes.

Dream Gradients 1 This is a swatch collection of all of the gradients used to make the Dream Styles 1 and Dream Metals Styles collections, making it easy to grab your favorite gradient to use rather than applying a style to get it. Dream Styles 1 Originally created for web development, these styles were used to showcase what can be accomplished in Affinity Designer, and later Affinity Photo.

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